door Jon Rappoport – 26 januari 2021
Je kunt het werk van Christine Massey bekijken op haar site, (ook twitter: [1]). Ze verdient de dank van ieder denkend persoon.
Massey [2] citerend: “I (CM), along with some anonymous helpers, have submitted Freedom of Information requests to various Canadian institutions seeking records that describe the isolation of ‘SARS-COV-2’ (the alleged ‘COVID-19 virus’) from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient.”
(“Ik (CM) heb, samen met enkele anonieme helpers, verzoeken om vrijheid van informatie ingediend bij verschillende Canadese instellingen die gegevens zoeken die de isolatie van ‘SARS-COV-2’ (het vermeende ‘COVID-19 virus ‘) van een onvervalst monster genomen van een zieke patiënt beschrijven.”)
“My requests were intentionally worded to weed out the fraudulent, illogical and unscientific claims of having ‘isolated SARS-COV-2’, of which there are many…”
(“Mijn verzoeken waren opzettelijk geformuleerd om de frauduleuze, onlogische en onwetenschappelijke beweringen van het hebben van ‘geïsoleerde SARS-COV-2’ uit de wereld te helpen, waarvan er veel zijn…”)
“My requests were not limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institution, and not limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to records of isolation performed by anyone, anywhere on the planet.”
(“Mijn verzoeken waren niet beperkt tot vermeldingen van isolatie uitgevoerd door de respectieve instelling, en niet beperkt tot vermeldingen geschreven door de respectieve instelling, maar stonden open voor vermeldingen van isolatie uitgevoerd door iedereen, waar ook ter wereld.”)
“Colleagues in numerous other countries have obtained responses to the same and similar information requests from dozens of additional institutions.”
(“Collega’s in tal van andere landen hebben van tientallen andere instellingen reacties gekregen op dezelfde en soortgelijke informatieverzoeken.”)
“As of January 22, 2021 46 institutions and offices have responded to said requests. Every institution has failed to provide, or cite, even 1 record describing the actual isolation of any ‘SARS-COV-2’ from a patient sample by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever.”
(“Op 22 januari 2021 hebben 46 instellingen en kantoren op deze verzoeken gereageerd. Elke instelling heeft nagelaten om zelfs maar één vermelding te verstrekken of aan te halen dat de feitelijke isolatie beschrijft van een ‘SARS-COV-2’ van een patiëntenmonster door wie dan ook, waar dan ook ter wereld, ooit.”)
Hier is een typisch antwoord op een Massey-verzoek van het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid van Ontario. De reactie kwam na vier maanden: “This is to inform you that no responsive records were located. A reasonable search of the ministry was conducted, and no responsive records were found. Dr. David C. Williams, Chief Medical Officer of Health, is responsible for this decision.”
(“Dit is om u te informeren dat er geen responsieve vermeldingen zijn gevonden. Het ministerie werd redelijk doorzocht en er werden geen responsieve verslagen gevonden. Dr. David C. Williams, Chief Medical Officer of Health, is verantwoordelijk voor deze beslissing.”)
GEEN vermeldingen die aangeven dat SARS-CoV-2 is geïsoleerd. “Geïsoleerd” betekent “gescheiden van ander materiaal”. Het betekent “we hebben het virus daadwerkelijk gevonden en konden het identificeren”.
Als, zoals Massey aangeeft, 46 verschillende instanties hetzelfde zeggen – “geen gegevens over isolatie beschikbaar” – vragen we ons niet meer af wat er aan de hand is. We weten dat er sprake is van FRAUDE.
Zoals ik al vaak heb gezegd [3] [4], verdraaien en veranderen virologen de betekenis van het woord “geïsoleerd”. Ze beweren dat ze het virus in een soep in een schaal in het laboratorium hebben. “In een soep” is precies het tegenovergestelde van “geïsoleerd”.
De soep bevat dierlijke en menselijke cellen, giftige chemicaliën en giftige medicijnen, en ander genetisch materiaal. Sommige cellen sterven. De onderzoekers stellen (belachelijk) dat de dood het gevolg moet zijn van het virus dat deze cellen aanvalt.
De chemicaliën en medicijnen zouden echter de moord kunnen plegen. En de menselijke en dierlijke cellen worden uitgehongerd aan voedingsstoffen – wat alleen al voldoende is om ze te laten sterven.
Daarom is er geen bewijs dat het vermeende (en niet-geïsoleerde) virus in de soep in de schaal in het laboratorium zit.
Dit “bewijs van isolatie” is op het niveau van beweren dat de zon de maan is, Alaska een kleine stad op Saturnus is en een konijn een ruimteschip is.
Het is geen toeval dat het meedogenloze onderzoek van Christine Massey nul gegevens van daadwerkelijke isolatie heeft opgeleverd.
Exosome Theory vs Virus Theory
Het SARS-CoV-2-virus is nooit bewezen (Jon Rappoport)
Waarom de virusmassahysterie (‘besmettingen’) nergens voor nodig is
De criminele WHO heeft zichzelf ontmaskerd: nep PCR-test (Jon Rappoport)
Exposed: Fauci en CDC botsen; kunnen hun verhaal niet overeind houden (Jon Rappoport)
Lockdown extremisme: een obsessie voor krankzinnigen en fascisten (Jon Rappoport)
David Rasnick: nieuwe variant van het coronavirus, of een gigantische oplichterij? Hoe diep gaan de leugens? (Jon Rappoport)
Politici zouden het COVID-vaccin live op televisie laten injecteren als Fauci hen verzekert dat het veilig is (Jon Rappoport)
COVID-vaccin – geschiedenis is belangrijk (Jon Rappoport)
Schokkend rapport over bijwerkingen COVID-vaccin: de uitrol gaat sowieso door / Het COVID-vaccin en de commerciële verovering van de planeet: het plan (Jon Rappoport)
COVID-vaccingeheim, een knaller (Jon Rappoport)
Yet Another Study Shows—Yet Again—That Lockdowns Don’t Work
Studie laat zien: Lockdowns (in Nederland) werken niet
Thierry Baudet noemt beestje bij de naam: corona, de Grote Reset
Dit gaat over het ‘coronavaccin’ van Pfizer.
COVID “Vaccine” is Actually Unauthorized Human Experiment says Helsinki Committee
Electromagnetic fields, 5G and health: what about the precautionary principle?
Oncoloog Dr. van Tilburg wil dat artsen meer open dienen te staan voor straling problematiek.
Drs. Marc van Tilburg, chirurg
Interview met chirurg Marc van Tilburg
In 2020 werd het Mazelenvirus na een aanslepend dispuut door Het hooggerechtshof in DE onbestaande verklaard. Prof. YANIK VAN MIT(VS) werkt aan een prototype van kwantumelectronenmicroscoop om hopelijk binnen 5j.een levend virus te kunnen aantonen.
Master of Science Christine Massey Talks About COVID-19 with Kevin J Johnston
“We are all fed up with COVID 19 and the lies behind lockdowns. Master of Science degree holder Christine Massey talks about all of her discoveries to do with COVID 19 and the FAKE PANDEMIC surrounding all the lies!”
“COVID: If they haven’t isolated the virus, how can they make a vaccine?
by Jon Rappoport
January 27, 2021
Answer: They can’t.
“But…but, you see, we take a piece of RNA, and we inject it into the person, and the RNA forces the cells to manufacture a protein that’s very similar to a protein in SARS-CoV-2…and then the immune system swings into gear and produces antibodies to THAT protein, and THEN the person has achieved immunity from the virus…”
Sorry, no dice.
As I’ve been demonstrating for months now, there is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 exists [1] [2]. Therefore, “the piece of RNA” that’s injected can’t be assumed to be related to “the virus.”
Therefore, the protein which the cells produce in the body is merely CLAIMED to be similar to a protein in the unproven “SARS-CoV-2.”
There is no KNOWLEDGE here.
That piece of RNA which is injected into the body—why should we assume it has anything to do with a virus called SARS-CoV-2, when no one has an isolated specimen of this “SARS-CoV-2?”
We shouldn’t assume.
Therefore, everything that happens, inside the body, after the injection, is up for grabs. What is the immune system reacting to?
Why bother, in the first place, to make a vaccine against a virus when you don’t have the virus?
There are several ways to attack this absurdity, and they all come down to the same bottom line: no provable virus, forget the vaccine.
I keep coming up with analogies to explain the insanity of the COVID virologists—
“Three trains collided last night outside Chicago. Investigators who turned up at the scene this morning failed to find a shred of wreckage. But they insist the collision occurred, resulting in a vast explosion. The public is warned to stay away from the cordoned-off zone.”
That fanciful illustrations is LESS extreme than: “We’ve just released a vaccine for a virus that we never discovered.”
As I’ve explained in other articles and interviews, “discovering” the genetic sequence, the structure of the purported SARS-CoV-2, involves all sorts of conjecture [3] [4]. Researchers aren’t looking through some sort of cosmic microscope at rows of genes lined up like cars in a supermarket parking lot.
Researchers assume—on the basis of zero evidence—that certain older reference genetic sequences in libraries are contained in “the new virus.” They use a computer program to scavenge those sequences and build out the ASSUMED structure of “the new virus” and automatically smooth out any wrinkles or gaps.
This would be on the order of fabricating a hologram of a gun that the police will claim is the actual gun used in the commission of a crime.
“Yes, Your Honor, this image you see floating in mid-air IS the weapon Mr. Jones used when he held up the bank last month. It is not a ‘representation,’ as the defense counsel would have you believe. We’re talking about cutting-edge science. We have experts who will testify under oath…”
Judge: “In other words, sir, you’re telling this court that, if the bank teller had some sort of ‘anti-hologram’ program on his computer, he could have prevented the crime with a few clicks of his mouse. Very interesting. Let me ask you, which drugs are you on?”
Prosecutor: “None, Your Honor. Actually, such anti-hologram programs exist. In the area of COVID virology, they’re called vaccines, and they protect people against SARS-CoV-2…”
Above the entrances to virology institutes, they should inscribe: ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover
“Experts” Now Say Americans Should Wear THREE Masks
Doctor Tells NBC Americans Should Consider Wearing FOUR Face Masks
Belgian judge rules against mandatory masks laws, acquits man charged for not complying
Premier Rutte: ‘alleen dán krijgen wij onze vrijheid terug’
“The coronavirus: using “animal models” as proof of infection; another lie
by Jon Rappoport
January 28, 2021
There are a number of badly informed scientists who believe current “animal models” prove SARS-CoV-2 is infectious. They’re wrong.
First of all, I’ve been demonstrating that no one has proved the virus exists. But putting that aside for the moment and assuming it does exist, for the purposes of argument only…what is an animal model?
Researchers take a group of animals and inject them with a serum which contains a purported virus. Then the researchers see whether the animals develop symptoms and (supposed) markers of the disease in question.
So far, I have only found evidence that researchers are using mice and, perhaps, another similar species for their model.
Yet they claim, because of the mice’s reactions, that, yes, the virus is infectious.
This is absurd.
The whole point of animal models is: you work your way up the tree of species, from mice, rabbits, dogs, cats, and so on, until you arrive at the species which most closely resembles humans, which would be chimps. The reactions of chimps are what you’re looking for.
After all, the entire enterprise is geared to estimate whether the virus will infect humans. Since injecting humans with a virus is verboten, you work with chimps.
So, asserting that infecting mice is proof of anything is a gross lie.
Any conventional scientist would know that.
Another issue: quite often, you’ll find that the mice in these experiments have been genetically altered. Why? Why can’t researchers work with ordinary wild mice?
Obviously, because they want to prep the mice in a way that would make them more vulnerable to viruses. Another absurdity. In that case, the researchers are not really working with animals at all. They’re working with artifacts modified in the lab.
Using a mouse model of SARS-CoV-2 to prove the virus is infectious is a con. A farce.
Back in 1988, when I was writing my book, AIDS INC., I looked into HIV experiments using chimps. I spoke with the man who was monitoring all the facilities in the US where groups of these chimps were held.
Keep in mind, this was four years after HIV had been announced as the cause of AIDS. So the chimps had been in cages for a while. Cut off from their companions and families, in a completely alien environment, imprisoned, isolated. These circumstances alone would have contributed to a grossly reduced state of immune-system capability. And yet…
The chief monitor over all these chimp facilities told me that, thus far, none of the injections of HIV (assuming the virus actually exists) had caused any symptoms which could be aligned with the wide-ranging definition of AIDS.
This utter failure deterred no mainstream AIDS scientist. In other words, if the animal model fails, ignore it. Claim the virus is infectious anyway.
Welcome to big-time research.
—Oh, and one other thing. Newsflash: Chimps are not humans. ALL animal models are false.
Other than that, the system is perfect.”
Response to Judy Mikovits with Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman
“Hi, everyone. Recently, Andy Kaufman, M.D., did a round-table interview that also included Dr. Judy Mikovits. Until watching this video, I had never actually heard her speak, at least, not at length. Because Andy and I both believe that some of the things she said were inaccurate, we decided to go over these points to share how we see them.”
“COVID: If there is no virus, why are people dying?
by Jon Rappoport
January 29, 2021
Since the beginning of this false pandemic, I’ve been offering compelling evidence that no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists.
Then people ask, “So why are all these people dying?”
I have explained that, many times, and in this article I’ll explain it again.
First of all, the whole notion that COVID-19 is one health condition is a lie. COVID IS NOT ONE THING.
This is both the hardest and simplest point to accept and understand.
Don’t reject the existence of the virus and then say, “So what is THE cause of people dying?” There is no ONE CAUSE. There is no one illness. There is no “it.”
By far, the biggest sources of illness we are dealing with are lung conditions: various kinds of pneumonia; flu and flu-like disease; TB; other unnamed lung/respiratory problems.
THESE ARE BEING RELABELED “COVID.” It’s a repackaging scheme. People are dying for those traditional reasons, and their deaths are being called “COVID.”
Thus, the old is artificially made new. It’s still old.
In this wide-ranging group of people who have traditional lung conditions, by far the largest component is the elderly and frail.
They are dying in nursing homes, in hospitals, in their houses and apartments. In addition to their lung problems, they have been suffering from a whole host of other conditions, for a long time, and they’ve been treated with toxic drugs.
They’re terrified that they might receive a diagnosis of “COVID,” and then they are given that diagnosis. THEN they’re isolated, cut off from friends and family. They give up and die.
This is forced premature death.
Some of these elderly and frail people are heavily sedated and put on breathing ventilators—which is a killing treatment. In a large New York study, it was discovered that patients over the age of 64, who were put on ventilators, died 97.2 % of the time. Staggering.
Some of these elderly and frail patients are now dying from reactions to the COVID vaccine—and of course, their deaths are listed as “COVID.”
Why else are people dying? In many cases, it’s a simple matter of bookkeeping. They die in hospitals for a variety of reasons, and staff write “COVID death” on their files. In the US, states receive federal money based on these statistics.
Let’s say that, in certain places around the world, there are clusters of deaths (being called COVID) that can’t be explained in the ways I’ve just described.
In those situations, you would have to examine EACH situation closely. For example, just prior to an outbreak in Northern Italy, was there a vaccination campaign? What was in the vaccine? A new breed of toxic substances?
You have to consider each cluster independently.
Getting the picture?
None of the “COVID deaths” anywhere in the world requires the existence of a new virus.
For instance, in Wuhan, where the whole business began, the first “COVID” cases of pneumonia occurred in a city whose air is HEAVILY polluted. In China, every year, roughly 300,000 people die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases. None of those deaths need to be explained by invoking a new virus.
Now, add to all this the fact that the PCR test for the virus is irreparably flawed and useless (for a variety of reasons I’ve explained in other articles). The test spits out false-positives like a fire hose. Thus, the high case numbers. If the authorities have to go to such extremes to paint a picture of a spreading viral epidemic…
There is no evidence that an actual germ is traveling around the world felling people. The “evidence” is invented.
The “pandemic” is invented.
The fraud is promoted.
During these fake epidemics (there have been many), someone will say: “But my neighbor’s son, who was very healthy, died suddenly. It must be the virus.”
No. People who appear to be healthy do die. Not just today, but going back in history as far as you want to go. No one has an explanation. They might have an explanation if they looked very closely, but they don’t look closely.
Favoring the “virus explanation” is a bias, a knee-jerk reaction, a response to propaganda.
If you think there must be other major reasons to explain “why all these people are dying,” keep in mind that “lung conditions” is a category that expands all over the globe. For instance, there are about one BILLION cases of flu-like illness EVERY YEAR on planet Earth.
Repackaging/relabeling just a small percentage of those cases alone would account for all official COVID death numbers.
What’s new about COVID is the STORY. That’s what’s being sold: a STORY about a virus.”
“The non-existent virus: it undercuts all other stories
by Jon Rappoport
February 1, 2021
In this article, I continue to trace the implications of the missing virus; I’m referring to the fact the no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists.
Here I take a wider look at the situation.
Apparently, the notion of a virus was born when germ theorists ran out of bacteria to explain illnesses. So they claimed there had to be a smaller invisible particle, which came to be called “virus.”
Since that fateful choice, researchers have encountered various problems. Chief among them: how do you to prove, in specific instances, that these viruses exist and cause illness?
Flashing forward—two modern avenues of proof have been invented. One, twist and reverse the meaning of “isolation.” And two, sequence the genetic structure of viruses by using pre-set computer programs to build, out of thin air, without justification, collections of genetic information, ending up with nothing more than virtual entities.
In past articles, I’ve analyzed and rejected both avenues of “research.”
In the first case, there is the unjustified presumption that the virus is contained in a soup in a dish in a lab, and this is called “isolation,” when it is actually non-isolation. In the second case, there is no true sequencing. It’s all made up out of unmerited supposition and guesswork.
However, 99.9% of mainstream scientists are true believers in their own methods and fabrications. They actually accept what they’re doing as science.
Therefore, in virology labs all over the world—including bio-weapons facilities—THE RESEARCHERS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY’RE DOING. THEY DON’T KNOW HOW FAR FROM REALITY THEY ACTUALLY ARE.
They’re taken in and fooled and bamboozled by their own theories.
It’s as if explorers tasked with mapping the moon, on site, up close and personal, are carrying out their jobs in underground coal mines. And they don’t recognize there is a problem.
The tenth of one percent of the researchers who do see a problem understand they have to keep their mouths shut.
Am I claiming, with finality, that ALL “viruses” have no physical existence? No. At least, not yet. That’s an open question.
In the case of SARS-CoV-2, I see no legitimate evidence for its existence.
And what’s worse, scientists are hypnotized by their own assumptions; and therefore, they’re immune from re-thinking what they’re doing.
It certainly wouldn’t be the first time a system trapped the practitioners working inside it.
It’s how you train humans to be robots.
At first, the humans follow the rules that define the system. Then they graduate to enforcing the rules. Their minds become excessively literal. They view alternatives as heresies.
“Sir, you have no idea what you’re doing. You think you’re discovering new viruses. You think you’re manipulating them to create new forms.”
“Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”
“You’re saying non-isolation is isolation. You’re using algorithms to invent ‘viruses’ made up of irrelevant data. They’re data constructs, nothing more.”
“You’re a blasphemer. Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”
“You’re fiddling with processes that have nothing to do with what you think they have to do with…”
“How did you get into my lab?”
“I brought a camera crew. We want to film and document every single step you take to ‘discover a new virus’.”
“Absolutely not. You’re not official. This is a high-security facility.”
“In other words, sight unseen, we have to accept your claims as if they were law.”
“Yes, that’s the rule. We’re not running a debating society. We’re doing science.”
“But you see, that’s the point. You’re NOT doing science.”
“What are you saying?”
“You have no idea what you’re doing. You THINK you’re discovering new viruses. You BELIEVE you’re manipulating them. But you’re only working with self-generated fantasies.”
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll inject you with one of these fantasies and let’s see what happens.”
“You don’t possess an actual specimen of an isolated and purified virus, separated from all other material.”
“Here it is, in this dish.”
“No. LOOK AT IT. In that dish, there’s a soup. It contains human and monkey cells, toxic drugs and chemicals, and other genetic material. It’s the furthest thing from ‘isolated’.”
“We know the virus is there. Some of the cells are dying. The virus must be doing the killing.”
“No. The toxic drugs and chemicals could be doing the killing. Furthermore, the cells are being starved of nutrients. That alone can explain their death. Think it through.”
“There’s nothing to think about. Our procedures have been verified by thousands of studies and published scientific papers.”
“Consensus is not the same thing as truth.”
“Security, come to the lab. We have a non-certified intruder. Escort him from the premises.”
“That’s your bottom line?”
“Our work is classified. You’re a civilian. We pronounce; you obey.”
“And that’s science?”
“Absolutely. Didn’t they teach you that in school?”
“YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE DOING IN THIS LAB. You’re a prisoner of your own illusions.”
“Security, hurry it up. This man is a subversive…”
“Suppose you believe you’re working with viruses, but you’re only working with IDEAS AND STORIES ABOUT VIRUSES?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re not really isolating anything. And you’re not sequencing anything. The sequences are just INFORMATION cobbled together from genetic reference libraries by computer programs. It’s all, at best, a digital metaphor for what you believe exists. You’re generating fairy tales.”
“Even if that were true, it would be the closest we could come to reality. Nothing is perfect.”
“A rock is perfect. You see it, you kick it, you sit on it.”
“Viruses are very small.”
“Even more reason to be sure you’re dealing with something actual.”
“We use PCR technology.”
“But it only looks for a piece of RNA you ASSUME comes from ‘the virus’. Since you don’t have an isolated and purified virus, you have no reason to assume the RNA comes from ‘the virus’.”
“Security, take this man to his car. Take the film crew with him. They have no right to be here. This is a government-funded facility. Private citizens have no access to government.”
CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER: “Actually, I’d like to hear the rest of the conversation. My sister just took the vaccine to protect her against ‘the virus’, and now she’s in the hospital…””
Dr. Tom Cowan – New Findings On The Spike Protein Toxin – Live Webinar 6/4/21
The Final Refutation Of Virology By Dr. Stefan Lanka
CPE – Control Experiment – 21 April 2021 – English version
Nog meer overtuigend bewijs dat virussen niet bestaan
Er zijn goede argumenten waarom ze niet zouden hebben bewezen wat ze beweren te hebben bewezen (SARS-CoV-2); niet met ‘Whole-Genome Sequencing’ en niet met de (gewijzigde) postulaten van Koch