Toen ik aan het begin van deze pandemie zei dat er razzia’s zouden gaan komen, inclusief concentratiekampen, verklaarden de meesten mij voor gek. Het Amerikaanse CDC doet dit voorstel nu gewoon openlijk op haar website en omdat de plandemie zo is opgebouwd dat de brainwashing stap voor stap is gegaan en mensen overtuigd zijn middels propagandacijfers en Hollywood style beelden van zieken en doden en er ook velen daadwerkelijk ziek zijn geworden (maar niet van een besmettelijk virus), lijkt het alsof er inderdaad een muterend killervirus rondwaart en dus kun je de meest fascistische maatregelen verkopen als zijnde ‘noodzaak’.
We kunnen er dan ook vanuit gaan dat deze quarantainekampen door de gemiddelde burger als goed zullen worden beschouwd en dat de vergelijking met de concentratiekampen van Nazi-Duitsland ze niet raakt. “Nee, dat was iets heel anders“, zo zullen ze denken. “Dat ging om vergassing en dus genocide, dit gaat om het beschermen van de massa.” En zo kun je dus fascisme prima aan de man brengen als je een wereldwijd netwerk hebt, je alle media en social media in je zak hebt en ook nog eens een groot deel van de bevolking omgekocht hebt.
Vanzelfsprekend verpakt het CDC dit fascisme dan ook in ‘newspeak’ – de door George Orwell uitgelegde manier om iets wat slecht is in een vriendelijk jasje te steken. Het gaf dit uit de maatschappij halen van ongevaccineerden (razzia’s dus) de titel ‘shielding approach’ (beschermingsaanpak) en de concentratiekampen noemt men ‘green zones’. Het CDC adviseert zoveel mogelijk gebruik te maken van reeds bestaande gebouwcomplexen, maar het woord isolatie is veelvuldig in het document te lezen. Kijkt u zelf maar even.
Heeft u dat ook wanneer u zoiets leest dat u denkt dat het eigenlijk allemaal best meevalt? Dat komt door de toegepaste propaganda taal (‘newspeak’). “Wir haben es nicht gewusst!“
Zit dit er in Nederland ook aan te komen en zo ja, moet u dan bang zijn? Mijn voorspelling is al sinds dag 1 dat dit er in Nederland ook aan zit te komen. Zie bijvoorbeeld onderstaand artikel dat ik in januari schreef (lees daaronder verder):
Lees hier zijn HELE artikel bij de bron…
Gevaccineerden zullen volledig vaccin afhankelijk worden en als junkies iedere 3 maanden een prik moeten halen
Er zijn goede argumenten waarom ze niet zouden hebben bewezen wat ze beweren te hebben bewezen (SARS-CoV-2); niet met ‘Whole-Genome Sequencing’ en niet met de (gewijzigde) postulaten van Koch
Grafeenbevattende gezichtsmaskers zijn gevaarlijk; en we leven in een grafeenwereld
“Grafeenoxide in vaccin” quote ex-Pfizer-medewerkster, misleidingstruc om vaccin criticasters in diskrediet te brengen?
Het nieuwe COVID bedrog; het is een variatie op de oude, alles is aangekleed en nergens om heen te gaan – behalve fascistische tirannie
CDC/FDA bekennen: ze hadden geen virus toen ze de test voor het virus bedachten
Hoe om te gaan met wetten, regels, verplichtingen, handhaving, boetes, rechtszaken in de aanstaande heksenjacht op ongetesten en ongevaccineerden / Standaard brief reactie aan CJIB coronaboetes
Vaccinatie: de weg richting de androgyne androïde mens
De FDA-doofpot die leidde tot de goedkeuring van het Pfizer-vaccin
Het spike-proteïne besmettingsgevaar is een dwaalspoor
Is er een relatie tussen hartklachten en vaccins?
COVID-vaccins: ontworpen voor depopulatie?
FDA komt erop terug: verwerpt COVID-antilichaam testresultaten; waanzin heerst
Decadent om het vaccin te weigeren of decadent om feitenvrije verhalen te gebruiken om uitsluitingsfascisme door te voeren? / BREAKING opnieuw een voorspelling van Martin Vrijland die uitkomt: ongevaccineerden tot mutatie/variantfabrieken bestempeld!
Bijna heel Nederland was toch gevaccineerd? Waarom weer meer besmettingen? Ah! Het zijn de mutaties bij ongevaccineerden!
Twitter censureert alles behalve ‘zet ongevaccineerden tegen de muur en wappies opruimen met Zyklon B’
Tomas Pueyo Brochard ‘de hamer en de dans’ Stanford University (universiteit die de basis legde onder de nazi rassenleer)
Angst om te overleven onder het vaccinfascisme?
““The Holocaust didn’t happen overnight, it happened in stages. Stages of humiliation, discrimination, demonization, and the final stage, extermination.” A Holocaust survivor speaks at today’s protest outside NYC City Hall”
“Bombshell: FDA knew all along there would be many COVID cases among the fully vaccinated—and buried that knowledge
by Jon Rappoport
August 11, 2021
First of all, I have to re-emphasize a point I’ve made many times: SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. I’ve been proving that for over a year.
BUT I don’t stop there. I temporarily enter the official world where people assume the virus does exist, and I reveal many internal contradictions and lies and cover-ups within that world.
Some readers, who possess sub-standard literacy, believe I’m contradicting MYSELF. They think I’m saying the virus doesn’t exist and does exist.
Analogy: People sitting inside a theater are watching a movie, and they believe it’s a real world. They react in all sorts of strange ways, based on that assumption. You’re standing outside the theater, looking through the window. You can just say, “They’re all crazy,” and leave it at that, or you can say, “They’re all crazy,” and THEN walk inside the theater and get a good look at what they’re up to as well. That’s what I do.
That’s what I’m doing in this article, which is about the FDA and their emergency authorization of the COVID vaccine, despite knowing the vaccine didn’t pass muster, didn’t even vaguely rank as effective in the clinical trials.
Because lots of people in the clinical trial became COVID cases after being vaccinated.
In other words, the FDA knew, right from the get-go, that many so-called breakthrough cases would develop. They knew many vaccinated people would become COVID cases.
This knowledge should have prevented the FDA from granting emergency use authorization for the vaccine—but it didn’t.
(Reminder: We’re in the crazy fake theater now, where the virus is real, the PCR test is meaningful and accurate, the vaccine is necessary.)
Here we go.
The document, posted on the FDA website, is titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products; Advisory Committee Meeting; FDA Briefing Document Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” [1]
It is dated December 10, 2020. The date tells us that all the information in the document is taken from the Pfizer clinical trial, based on which the FDA authorized the vaccine for public use.
A key quote is buried on page 42: “Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group [who received a saltwater shot].”
Those shocking numbers have never seen the light of day in news media.
The comparative numbers reveal that the vaccine was not effective at preventing COVID-19. It was certainly not 50% more effective than a placebo shot—the standard for FDA Emergency Use Authorization.
To make all this clear, I need to back up and explain the theory of the vaccine clinical trial.
The researchers assumed the SARS-CoV-2 virus was spreading everywhere in the world, and during the clinical trial, it would descend on some volunteers.
The billion-dollar question was: how many people receiving the vaccine would become infected, vs. how many people in the placebo group?
If it turned out that FAR FEWER people getting the vaccine became infected with SARS-CoV-2, the vaccine would be hailed as a success. It protected people against the virus.
But as you can see from the numbers above, that wasn’t the case at all.
So now we come to the vital weasel-phrase in the FDA document I just quoted: “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 [cases].”
“Well, you see, we can’t say these were ACTUAL COVID-19 cases. Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t. They’re in limbo. We want to keep them in limbo. Otherwise, our clinical trial is dead in the water, and we’ll never get approval for the vaccine.”
What does “suspected cases” mean? It can only mean these people all displayed symptoms consistent with the definition of COVID-19, but they’re unconfirmed cases because…their PCR tests were negative, not positive.
However, if their tests were negative, why would they be called “suspected cases” instead of “NOT CASES”?
Something is wrong here. The FDA is hedging its bets, muddying the waters, obscuring facts.
By FDA/CDC rules, a case of COVID-19 means: a person has tested positive, period.
That’s the way cases are counted.
These thousand-plus volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial were either COVID-19 cases or they weren’t. Which is it?
The official response to that question is obvious: the FDA decided to throw the data from all those “suspected cases” in the garbage and ignore them. Poof. Gone.
Why do I say that?
Because if the FDA had paid serious attention to the “suspected cases,” they never would have authorized the vaccine for public use. They would have stopped the clinical trial and undertaken a very deep and extensive investigation.
Which they didn’t.
This is called a crime.
“But…but it’s not that simple. This is a complex situation. It’s a gray area.”
“No. It isn’t. If you were running a clinical trial of a new drug, and a few thousand people in the trial, who were given the drug, nevertheless came down with the disease symptoms the drug was supposed to cure, wouldn’t you cancel the trial and go back to the drawing board?”
“You mean if we were being honest? That’s a joke, right? We’re not honest. Don’t you get it?”
Yes. I get it. You’re criminals. Killers.
But wait. There’s more. The FDA document also states: “Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs. 287 in the placebo group.”
That’s explosive. Right after vaccination, 409 people who received the shots became “suspected COVID cases.” This alone should have been enough to stop the clinical trial altogether. But it wasn’t.
In fact, the FDA document tries to excuse those 409 cases with a slippery comment: “It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days post vaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.”
Translation: You see, a number of clinical symptoms of COVID-19 and adverse effects from the vaccine are the same. Therefore, we have no idea whether the vaccinated people developed COVID or were just reacting to the vaccine. So we’re going to ignore this whole mess and pretend it’s of no importance.
Back in April of 2020, I predicted the vaccine manufacturers would use this strategy to explain away COVID cases occurring in the vaccine groups of their clinical trials.
It’s called cooking the data. It’s a way of writing off and ignoring COVID symptoms in the vaccine group.
And the FDA document, as I stated above, just puts an impenetrable cloud over all the volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial by inventing a category called “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases,” and throwing those crucial data away, never to be spoken of again.
I’m speaking about them now. Any sensible person, looking at them, would conclude that the vaccine should never have been authorized.
Unless fraud, deception, profits, and destruction of human life via the vaccine were and are the true goals.
Finally: When you have “suspected cases,” and their ultimate status depends on doing a test, you do the test. You do it as many times as you need to, until it registers positive or negative. Then each “suspected case” becomes an actual case or no case at all.
Perhaps these “suspected cases” in the clinical trial were tested, and many of them came up positive, revealing they were actual COVID cases—but the researchers lied and covered up the fact that they were tested.
Or if you really don’t want to know whether “suspected cases” are actual cases, you don’t test them. You leave them in a convenient limbo and park them, never to be seen again.
Either way, the situation is patently absurd. By official standards, the PCR test decides whether a person is a case or not a case. Just do the test. Saying “we don’t know” is nothing more than a con and a hustle.
I’d love to hear the researchers try to talk their way out of this one. Here is how the conversation might go:
“So you’re saying these several thousand suspected COVID cases couldn’t be adjudicated one way or another?”
“That’s right. Their PCR tests were ‘indeterminate’.”
“That says something devastating about the test itself.”
“Well, sometimes you just can’t tell whether it’s positive or negative.”
“I see. And this ‘indeterminate’ result occurred in more than a THOUSAND suspected cases.”
“I guess so, yes.”
“You know, you could have done something else with these suspected cases. A different test. You could have taken tissue samples and looked for the virus itself in a more direct way.”
“No. That wouldn’t work.”
“Why not?”
“Because…the actual virus…”
“Because no one has been able to come up with a specimen of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
“So tell me—what does that indicate? I’ll tell you what it indicates. You can’t prove the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. It doesn’t exist.”
“I have to go. I’m late for a meeting.”
“You’re late for more than just a meeting. Is it true a person becomes a virologist by cutting out a coupon from the back of a comic book and mailing it to a PO Box in Maryland?’
“Absolutely not. That’s outrageous.”
“What then?”
“The PO Box is in Virginia.””
Vaccines and Related Biological Products; Advisory Committee Meeting; FDA Briefing Document Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Canada COVID Concentration Camps?
“Governments have grabbed this opportunity because the system is failing even if they were not around. Politicians are hoping to retain power by restoring to this COVID scam.
Just as they tried to assassinate Hitler, I would expect assassination attempts on Gates, Soros, and Schwab. They have destroyed a lot of lives and caused many suicides. There are people who will eventually respond in a violent way – that is what history warns. People who try to alter the way everyone else lives to reshape it the way they think they should live are called tyrants. History is very clear what happens to tyrants.”
“The media continues to terrorize people and New York City has decreed that UNVACCINATED can not go out to dinner or go to any play. But if COVID” (flu) “is among the vaccinated, then what is the point?
All attempts to create vaccines for coronavirus” (not isolated) “have failed.
The FactCheckers are not independent and CNN has already been caught saying that they create FEAR because FEAR sells!
Nevertheless, the bureaucracy is fully in the hands of Gates and they are rejecting any attempt to help people that compete against his vaccines.
When Emperor Aurelian came to power, he sent in his troops to confront the bureaucrats in Rome who debased the coinage because they were robbing the treasury of silver. In the process, 7,000 people died in this battle against the bureaucratic corruption that invested Rome. This will eventually come to that one day. The corruption in these agencies is off the charts. How Gates can fund ANY government agency is unbelievable!
Accelerating the end of the COVID-19 pandemic: Bill Gates on Vaccine
From the very beginning, Gates has been pitching that the vaccines will eliminate COVID-19.” (flu) “This has been proven to be completely FALSE.
Gates and his vaccine companies, in which he has a HUGE financial interest, are dominating our future and if he benefits by just $1 per shot for the world, that is $7 billion+. They are pushing booster shots now around the world because they are not working so you just keep them coming. Now they are saying you may need 5 shots. This is like medieval medicine. Keep bleeding the patient until they die and blame the disease that you did not bleed them soon enough. He stands to make far more money than anyone ever in history.
The self-anointed medical doctor Bill Gates who dropped out of college is clueless about what he has unleashed or he knows what he is doing to fulfill his father’s dream of reducing the population – culling the herd of the great unwashed.
What has been unleashed on the world by those seeking to BUILD BACK BETTER to alter the world economy for climate change, just may have opened Pandora’s Box.
“This mad rush for everyone to be vaccinated has been cleverly pulled off by Bill Gates for has been funding EVERY government agency around the world not just in the USA right up to the World Health Organization. Then he owns a huge chunk of the vaccines and his conflict of interest would be criminal for anyone else in the financial industry.
Yet I know people who had COVID” (flu-like symptoms) “and it was like the flu and gone in a week without vaccinations. While the vaccine is NOT lethal for all people, it is to some.
So what is the whole point of COVID Passports?” (flu) “This appears to be more control than anything else and then what about other diseases? “With all of this hype, it is not simply going to go away. This Great Reset has been grasped by politicians for they fear civil uprisings when pensions fail and governments can no longer function if they cannot borrow. Welcome to the REAL all-new Great Reset – where you will not be allowed to travel to prevent uprisings and your pension will vanish to be replaced with Guaranteed Basic Income.”
“QUESTION: Why is there a shortage in everything?
ANSWER: Imposing lockdowns resulted in stopping production. The World Economic Forum was bragging about how nice it was for everything to be quiet and mentions that factories were closed. … Add the time it takes to construct a house. Paint is in short supply and we will see food move into an ever more short supply. You cannot lockdown society without creating massive shortages and inflation.”
Then there are the people that can’t go to their jobs, because they tested ‘positive’, stopping production.
“The World Economic Forum is really a major effort to control the world. Besides the Davos forums, and Schwab’s board members are strategically picked to infiltrate governments and agencies which has allowed the WEF to control the United Nations, IMF, World Bank, and the EU itself as well as the European Central Bank. Schwab has placed people in key positions that all share his view of the world and how it MUST be changed. Mark Carney is the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance and on Schwab’s board. Carney served as the Governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 until 2013 and the Governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020 and was promoted to those posts by Schwab.
Look at the slogan –
Schwab has strategically been seeking to build his global influence and even trains a broad range of C-level executives into his future dreams in an academic program tailored for his World Economic Forum Leadership Team. Schwab is then indoctrinating people he identifies as future world leaders. The Young Global Leaders ® Community is taking who he considers exceptional people with “the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world”. Yes, courage to impose the Great Reset.
Schwab is indoctrinating the world to adopt his vision of how the world should function ending democracy.”
“What is the REAL Agenda with Vaccines & Climate Change
This has all been a coordinated effort for the REAL AGENDA which is not vaccines or even saving the planet from global warming. The true agenda is in front of everyone’s eyes, but mainstream media refuses to allow the dots to be connected and anyone who dares to simply open their eyes is immediately called a conspiracy theorist. Climate Change is also merely a tool just as this virus scam that the press pretends is so lethal that they have convinced companies to fire anyone who is not vaccinated. The supposed brilliant CEOs are really just being manipulated and because the media makes it sound like if they do not become tyrants they will be the odd-man-out. Firing people who refuse to go along with this agenda in a time of a labor shortage is a recipe for economic disaster.
While people argue that the virus is not real and has never been isolated, they have succeeded in getting people arguing over the nonsense that will never be proven when they control the media. This is like putting someone on the witness stand in court to testify who they saw commit murder and asking them instead when was the last time you beat your wife. The credibility of the witness is sent off into never-never-land and the real question of what he saw becomes marginal at best.
They told you what the REAL AGENDA is using flowery indirect words. The US will no longer be a superpower for its power will be handed to the United Nations and “shared” among nations as Schwab’s 8 point agenda states. They also told you that democracy, which they regard as “populism” cannot stand. However, they will still respect human rights if you are really gullible enough to swallow that one. They view us as the great unwashed not worthy of rights that interfere with their thirst for power.
They erected the Climate Clock which is now down to 6 years and change which is the selling point to hand over all power to the United Nations or the world will be beyond repair. At the UN climate summit, they would not allow anyone to speak in opposition to their agenda. Why? The Climate Change argument is based on the principle that humanity faces doom and this is beyond the power of a single nation to reverse the trend. This is all about handing DICTATORIAL POWER to the United Nations, who is also lobbying nations to impose a 10% income tax that is payable to the United Nations.
The vaccines are more conditioning and break down the human will to accept the decrees of what is to come. The timeline for this takeover has been set for 2023 saying that after 2027, we are all doomed and the world will somehow end.
This is not really about arguing over vaccines and climate change, it is about world domination and power. The United Nations is engaging in scare tactics to gain power for itself. NONE of this is what it seems if we just focus on vaccines and climate change. The objective here is to take over the world and use the manufactured climate crisis to create a one-world government – Soros and Schwab’s dream. This is the ONLY way to further their agenda by manufacturing a common threat.
The U.N.’s climate panel, which bans anyone with a critical view, warns that limiting global warming to close to 1.5 degrees Celsius or even 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels “will be beyond reach” in the next two decades without immediate, rapid, and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. That is accomplished with lockdowns, COVID” (flu) “Passports to end international travel and restrict tourism to like the good old days of the Soviet Union.
They have their cronies in the White House who are telling Biden to even threaten war with China and Russia if they do not surrender to the United Nations. In the debates with Trump, Biden said clearly he would rejoin the UN Paris Accord to “FORCE” China to comply. This has been the story I keep getting from sources post-election.
John Kerry was supported by Schwab’s WEF to become climate czar. It has been Kerry who has been pushing the Schwab agenda. Kerry has stated very clearly there is NO RETURN TO NORMAL because the system was “broken” before. Everyone lining up for vaccines thinks this will return to normal are simply sublime fools.
To be sure, the 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold is crucial in their claims as a global target because they have pronounced this as the tipping point with nothing by theory. Tipping points are what they refer to as an irreversible change in the climate system, locking in further global heating. At 2 degrees Celsius of global warming, the latest report says heat extremes would often reach critical tolerance thresholds for agriculture and health.
U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres described the report as “a code red for humanity.” He claimed that “the evidence is irrefutable: greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning and deforestation are choking our planet and putting billions of people at immediate risk.” Of course, it is only irrefutable because he will not allow any of science to be presented to the contrary for that would not support the takeover of international power. The report noted the benefits of the lock-downs:
“Global daily CO2 emissions from fossil fuel sources had a maximum decline of 17% in early April,
15 compared with the mean 2019 levels, and coinciding with the global peak pandemic lockdown (Le Quéré et
16 al., 2020). The reductions in CO2 emissions in 2020 were dominated by the drop in emissions from surface
17 transport followed, in order of absolute emission reductions, by industry, power, and aviation (Le Quéré et
18 al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020). Residential emissions showed little change (Liu et al., 2020) or rose slightly
19 (Forster et al., 2020; Le Quéré et al., 2020). Aviation had the biggest relative drop in activity accounting.
20 CO2 emissions due to land-use (based on early and uncertain evidence on deforestation and forest fires) were
21 higher than average in 2020 (Amador-Jiménez et al., 2020).”
The UN partner World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has on their website:
The world faces three critical challenges: the climate emergency, nature loss and mounting inequality. The COVID-19 pandemic” (fake pandemic) “has illustrated that these challenges are interconnected, and that our systems are ill-prepared for shocks.
Now listen to Schwab. The same words come from his mouth about using the COVID-19 Crisis they manufactured, to create a Great Reset which also involved “inequality” which is why his 2030 agenda says you will own nothing.
Of course, just outlining these trends and connecting the dots will automatically be called a conspiracy theory. How many tiny steps and coincidence need to be taken before a conspiracy theory become reality?”
“Met de benoeming van (nu al) drie nieuwe staatssecretarissen in het demissionaire kabinet die Kamerlid blijven wordt de Grondwet overtreden (art. 57)”
Regels zijn regels, behalve voor politici
Nederland is een illegale nepstaat
‘Sick on Demand’ (SoD) via CRISPR vaccin en 5G, wat is dat?
What is the Difference Between Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide – Nanografi Nano Technology
Detection of unamplified target genes via CRISPR-Cas9 immobilized on a graphene field-effect transistor
BioNtech had al in 2019 intranasaal vaccin ‘Delevering the messenger’ en CRISPR lees/schrijf toepassing
Delivering the Messenger: Advances in Technologies for Therapeutic mRNA Delivery
Enhanced intranasal delivery of mRNA vaccine by overcoming the nasal epithelial barrier via intra- and paracellular pathways
How CRISPR lets you edit DNA – Andrea M. Henle
Scientists Control CRISPR With Light
Heat-Triggered Remote Control of CRISPR-dCas9 for Tunable Transcriptional Modulation
“Wat is het toch stil daar…..
Heeft u zich nooit eens afgevraagd waarom er vanuit de studenten en universiteiten helemaal geen tegengeluid komt?
Ik in ieder geval wel.
Het waren toch altijd de studenten die op de bres sprongen als er misstanden in de politiek of de maatschappij plaatsvonden? Het zijn toch de professoren en studenten die wetenschappelijk onderzoek moeten doen naar allerhande zaken?
Nu vinden de grootst mogelijke schendingen van grondrechten en de grootste misdaden tegen de mensheid ooit plaats en het blijft muisstil op de universiteiten.
Ze willen dus gewoon de spuit door je strot duwen.
“Toegangstesten over tijdje niet meer gratis, maar ‘geen voorstander vaccinatieplicht’
Ongevaccineerden kunnen op termijn niet langer gratis een coronatest afnemen om toegang te krijgen tot bijvoorbeeld evenementen. Dat heeft het demissionaire kabinet gezegd in de coronapersconferentie. Het is nog niet bekend vanaf wanneer er betaald moet worden voor toegangstests.
Daarnaast worden horecaondernemers en organisatoren van evenementen, festivals en sportwedstrijden vanaf 20 september verplicht om een geldig coronatoegangsbewijs te vragen bij bijeenkomsten vanaf 75 personen. Deze eis geldt zowel binnen als buiten en zou volgens de huidige plannen duren tot 1 november.
Een test voor iemand die niet is gevaccineerd, om bijvoorbeeld een avond naar de kroeg te gaan, zal dus uit eigen zak betaald moeten worden. “Waar we vanaf willen, is van die gratis tests. Er komt een moment dat we daarmee stoppen. Dus dat maakt het minder aantrekkelijk om niet gevaccineerd te zijn”, zei premier Rutte in antwoord op vragen van journalisten.
“Mag je verwachten dat mensen zelf bijdragen aan kosten voor toegangstesten, als iedereen de kans heeft gehad om zich te laten vaccineren? Het kabinet vindt van wel.”
Het demissionaire kabinet zegt “alles op alles te zetten” om deze vaccinatiegraad verder omhoog te krijgen.”
Kabinet introduceert ‘apartheidspas’ voor Nederland: ‘Waar is de verontwaardiging?’
De Jonge: geprikten hoeven zich niet te laten testen omdat dat niet goed is voor de prikbereidheid
“Kortom wat heeft het dan nog met de volksgezondheid te maken? Antwoord: Geen ene moer.
Israeli scientist says COVID-19 (griep, griepachtige symptomen) could be treated for under $1/day
Double-blind study shows ivermectin reduces disease’s duration and infectiousness • FDA and WHO caution against its use
Dr. Tom Cowan – Koch’s Postulates Webinar from August 13, 2021
De morele plicht om vaccin-terreur te weigeren; ook als het u uw baan kost