door Jon Rappoport – 25 april 2022
Ik zie geen bewijs dat jullie de reeks vernietigingen van voedselverwerkende fabrieken in Amerika onderzoeken of verdoezelen.
Is er een probleem? Denk je dat deze accounts nep zijn?
Denkt u dat er geen verband is?
Denk je dat het belangrijk is om deze gebeurtenissen voor het publiek te verbergen?
Denkt u dat de sterke mogelijkheid van gecoördineerde aanvallen op deze faciliteiten slechts een slechte rampenfilm is, gedraaid door Hollywood hacks?
Wilt u “andere redenen” voor voedseltekorten aanvoeren? Zoals Rusland? Poetin? Truckers? COVID? Racisme? De hoge kosten van verwerking? Poetin? Rusland? Mijn tante Martha? De man in de maan? Poetin?
Denk je echt dat de meerderheid van de Amerikanen nog vertrouwen heeft in jouw methodes en agenda’s?
Gateway Pundit: “On August 11, Tyson Foods Inc TSN.N meat-processing plant in Kansas caught fire causing significant damage. The plant was subsequently indefinitely shut down despite providing approximately 6 percent of the US supply chain’s beef. Analysts warned the closure of the facility would catastrophically impact market prices nationwide.”
“On August 23, Patak Meat Products, a meat processor in Cobb County, Georgia was set ablaze. The temporary closure of the facility, a family-owned business had minimal impact on the national food supply chain.”
“On September 13, a third food plant was set on fire. JBS beef production plant in Grand Island, Nebraska, which processes 5 percent of the nation’s beef, was reportedly aflame for nearly 15 hours.”
“On February 22, Shearer’s Food Processing Plant in Hermiston, Oregon, which supplies a large portion of the western United States with potato chips, burned down.”
“On March 16, a Walmart facility in Indianapolis, Indiana was set aflame. The Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives bureau’s National Response Team is reportedly investigating the cause and origin of the fire.”
“On April 11, a fire demolished East Conway Beef & Pork. Just two cows were killed. Firefighters spent 16 hours hosing down the rubble, the Conway Daily Sun reports.”
“On April 13, a massive fire at the Taylor Farms Processing Facility in Salina, California was ignited, burning down nearly 85 percent of the 225,000 square foot building. The California agriculture company supplies salad kits in grocery stores nationwide.”
“On April 15, China-owned US pork producer, Smithfield Foods, shut down its operations in South Dakota. the plant Chinese billionaire owner Wan Long, claimed the US facility warranted closure amid the threats presented by COVID-19.”
“Earlier this week, on April 19, a fire destroyed the headquarters of Azure Standard, the nation’s primary supplier of organic and healthy food. The cause of the fire remains unclear.”
Er zijn er meer, gelinkt aan
Om eerlijk te zijn besef ik dat geen van deze gebeurtenissen verband houdt met uw grootste zorgen: puberteitsblokkers voor derdeklassers; mannen die zich als vrouwen identificeren die het in zwembaden opnemen tegen vrouwen; het vrijlaten van verdachten van geweldsmisdrijven tegen betaling van een minimale borgtocht; de bevestiging dat alle blanken systemische racisten zijn; het handhaven van open grenzen om te zorgen voor een toereikende aanvoer van inkomende straat-fentanyl voor alle inwoners van de VS.
Maar toch.
Iedereen wil eten.
Dus dit is een probleem.
Denk erover na en neem contact op met mijn team bij Index of Bloviating Excuses For Investigations That Aren’t Taking Place, PO Box 12345, America, a Public-Private Partnership, Inc.
De Amerikaanse hongersnood van 2022
Tucker Carlson bespreekt voedselverwerkende fabrieken in het hele land die in brand vliegen, meer dan een dozijn fabrieken verwoest, waaronder twee DEZE WEEK bij vliegtuigcrashes
Update: Evacuaties opgeheven na grote brand in voedselverwerkingsfabriek in Salinas
Is Our Food Supply Under ATTACK?! (Advanced Warning)
De hel zal losbreken voor de mensheid
Brecht Arnaert over de Russische coup op de petrodollar – door Martin Vrijland
Er komt een New World DISorder
Het zieke eindspel van de Fed
Check ook de reacties onder dit artikel.
Luister en huiver: dit is het niveau van onze minister voor Natuur en Stikstof
Shanghai laat zien wat wij kunnen verwachten
Shanghai screaming: China has gone Covid-crazy
Nederland niet goed voorbereid op mogelijke coronagolf in najaar: ‘Urgentie ontbreekt’
Nederland is niet goed voorbereid op een eventuele covidgolf na de zomer, waarschuwen deskundigen. ‘Als het tegenzit, volgt in het najaar weer een lockdown.’
’Mensen opgesloten als huisdieren’
Destruction of Food Begins in Shanghai with Fences Installed to Keep People Locked Down
“While China works hard to suppress what is currently happening in Shanghai and other places in China that have strict lockdowns by deleting social media posts as quickly as possible, some videos and images are being captured and preserved that show how life has become pure hell in Shanghai, with citizens starving to death and being locked down in cages like animals.
Deliberate destruction of food is reportedly happening on a large scale, blaming “COVID” for contaminating the food as they use cotton swab PCR tests to test animals like chickens and fish, while reportedly destroying many tons of fresh produce.
This week fencing appeared overnight in many places to lockdown people in their homes and apartments, and this even made the corporate news cycle this weekend, with the BBC and the Associated Press covering the story.
When you read the corporate news accounts, however, they will give some justification for these actions by reporting on the alleged increase in COVID cases, paving the way for similar measures to happen in the U.S. and other places where maybe the measures will not be quite as harsh as what China is doing, as this is simply a continuation of the massive propaganda media hyping fear over a “virus” that continues to be used to justify medical tyranny and the suspension of all appearances of law and order in the name of the “pandemic.”
Here in the U.S. people like Anthony Fauci and Dr. Oz, who is now aligned with Donald Trump, have publicly stated that the measures China are taking to lockdown their populations are “working” to stop the spread of COVID, which should be a wake up call to everyone about what we are probably facing in the near future here in the U.S. and around the world.”
Rockefeller Foundation waarschuwt voor komende voedselcrisis
Burton factory fire that caused smoke seen for seven miles ‘accidental’, say investigators
Maine potato growers expecting hit after Belfast fire
Facility processed Maine spuds for growers around the state
Massive Fire Rocks Major Grocery Logistics Center In Taiwan
No one hurt as fire rages at fertilizer facility, forces evacuations in Sunnyside
Fire at fertilizer plant may cause explosion, area evacuated
FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires
Rockefeller Foundation President Starts Countdown Until All Hell Breaks Loose
Misschien wordt het nu echt tijd om te preppen
A List Of 16 Major Fires That Have Occurred At Key Food Industry Facilities In The U.S. Since The Start Of 2022
Crews tackle ‘ferocious’ fire at Harlow sausage factory
“Operation Thermostat”: Energy rationing & the pivot from Ukraine to climate?
Enter Poverty to ‘Support Ukraine’
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Completely Orwellian
Machiavelliaans handboek: ‘hoe zet je een oorlog in scene?’
Als je dacht dat je al wakker was en je ineens bewijs ziet dat mind blowing is
The Rockefellers, World Bank, IMF And WEF All Warn Of A “Massive Global Food Crisis”
“Their plan is to thin the herd. They’re achieving this by manufacturing a total failure of our energy and food supplies, which, in turn, will bring down our civilization. They’re going to starve us out. However, as their scripture demands, they’re giving us the chance to opt out, to resist, and to prepare — they’re broadcasting warnings:
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs
mRNA vaccines promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
The spike protein is neurotoxic, and it impairs DNA repair mechanisms.
Suppression of type I interferon responses results in impaired innate immunity.
The mRNA vaccines potentially cause increased risk to infectious diseases and cancer.
Codon optimization results in G-rich mRNA that has unpredictable complex effects.
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The Moskva Riddle, by Pepe Escobar
Meer tijd voor opheldering sms’jes Von der Leyen met Pfizer-baas
Het stikstofprobleem verdwijnt, waar de Oekraïense vluchteling verschijnt
Vaccines Beneath The Surface
The WHO Plans to Strip 194 Nations, and the US, of Sovereignty- May 22
Explained: The World Health Organization’s Controversial ‘Pandemic Treaty’
“We sit down with Shabnam Palesa Mohamed from the World Council For Health to discuss the WHO pandemic treaty and the concerning aspects showcased within the early documents the organization has released.”
Europese Unie gaat Kalergiplan fors uitbreiden
De volgende hysterie kan beginnen…
Vogelgriepvariant H3N8 overgesprongen naar mens
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“Nicole Schwab about Great Reset”
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