En wat is het geheime ingrediënt in het Pfizer-vaccin?
door Jon Rappoport – 1 oktober 2021
Uit een wirwar van aankondigingen van de CDC en de FDA, komen een paar beslissingen naar voren:
De Amerikaanse regering zal COVID-booster shots aanbevelen voor mensen van 65 en ouder; mensen tussen 50 en 64 die onderliggende medische aandoeningen hebben; en, zoals de Daily Mail meldt, “mensen die leven in institutionele omgevingen die hun risico op blootstelling verhogen, zoals gevangenissen of daklozenopvangcentra, evenals werknemers in de gezondheidszorg, leraren en medewerkers van kruidenierszaken.”
Mensen van 65 jaar en ouder hebben al vaak gezondheidsproblemen. Erger nog, de meesten van hen krijgen al jaren medische behandeling in de vorm van giftige geneesmiddelen. Hen prikken met een middel dat al enorm veel verwondingen en sterfgevallen heeft veroorzaakt is een recept voor een ramp.
Ik zou het doelgerichtheid noemen.
“-Laten we de zwakste mensen nemen en ze met een booster(s) raken bovenop de andere twee shots die ze al hebben gehad.”
En om de destructie uit te breiden, moeten mensen tussen 50 en 64 MET ONDERLIGGENDE MEDISCHE ZIEKTEN ook de booster nemen.
Opmerking: Het geven van boosters aan deze twee groepen levert de regering nog iets op. Wanneer de ontvangers van het vaccin sterven of ernstige verwondingen oplopen, kan de schuld worden gelegd bij “hun onderliggende aandoeningen” (of “het virus”).
Medisch gezien is het algemene leidende principe hier: het vaccin werkt volgens geen enkele redelijke standaard, en het veroorzaakt verwoestende effecten, dus laten we mensen er meer van opdringen.
De nieuwsmedia zijn collaborateurs. Zij zorgen voor de elementaire één-twee punch: “De pandemie blijft zich verspreiden; het enige antwoord is het vaccin.”
Iedereen kan die boodschap begrijpen en instemmend knikken. Het feit dat de boodschap op elk niveau verkeerd en onjuist is, is niet relevant voor het succes ervan.
De MANDATEN zijn echter een ander verhaal. Regeringen geloven dat ze hele bevolkingsgroepen tegen de muur kunnen duwen en ze daar kunnen houden, jaar na jaar na jaar.
Maar fascisme bereikt een breekpunt.
Opstand ontstaat nu over de hele wereld.
Update: Verklaring van ICAN over de antwoordbrief van de FDA: klik hier.
Onlangs heeft de ICAN-organisatie (Informed Consent Action Network) een verontrustend feit bekendgemaakt over het Pfizer COVID-vaccin:
“The FDA assured the public that it will provide transparency for any COVID-19 vaccine it approves. That promise would surely include letting the public know what is in the vial being injected into the arms of millions of people. Nonetheless, the FDA has chosen to hide from the public an ingredient that constitutes more than 20% of the undiluted vial of each Pfizer vaccine!”
(“De FDA heeft het publiek verzekerd dat het transparantie zal bieden voor elk COVID-19-vaccin dat het goedkeurt. Die belofte zou zeker inhouden dat ze het publiek laat weten wat er in het flesje zit dat in de armen van miljoenen mensen wordt geïnjecteerd. Desondanks heeft de FDA ervoor gekozen om een ingrediënt voor het publiek te verbergen dat meer dan 20% uitmaakt van de onverdunde injectieflacon van elk Pfizer-vaccin!”)
“Upon licensure of the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA authorized a fact sheet to be given to the public, which includes a list of ingredients in the vaccine. Amazingly, this list doesn’t mention a secret ingredient. What is the secret ingredient? Nobody knows other than Pfizer and the FDA. In the technical documentation that is not intended for general public distribution, the FDA disclosed that this secret ingredient constitutes about 22% of the undiluted vial (0.45 mL of 2 mL) but completely redacted the name of the secret ingredient.”
(“Bij de vergunningverlening voor het Pfizer-vaccin gaf de FDA toestemming om een informatieblad aan het publiek te verstrekken, met een lijst van ingrediënten van het vaccin. Verbazingwekkend genoeg wordt er op deze lijst geen geheim ingrediënt genoemd. Wat is het geheime ingrediënt? Niemand anders dan Pfizer en de FDA weet het. In de technische documentatie die niet bestemd is voor verspreiding onder het grote publiek, onthulde de FDA dat dit geheime ingrediënt ongeveer 22% uitmaakt van de onverdunde flacon (0,45 ml van 2 ml), maar de naam van het geheime ingrediënt werd volledig uit de tekst verwijderd.”)
“ICAN’s attorneys immediately contacted the FDA and asked for the redaction to be lifted. However, the FDA refused to do so without a formal demand. Therefore, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a formal demand to the FDA to disclose the identity of the secret ingredient.”
(“De advocaten van ICAN namen onmiddellijk contact op met de FDA en vroegen om opheffing van de bewerking. De FDA weigerde echter dit te doen zonder een formeel verzoek. Daarom heeft ICAN, via haar advocaten, een formeel verzoek ingediend bij de FDA om de identiteit van het geheime ingrediënt bekend te maken.”)
Conclusie: Zonder de bekendmaking van elk ingrediënt in het vaccin, IS GEÏNFORMEERDE TOESTEMMING ONMOGELIJK. Iemand die de prik moet nemen, kan weigeren omdat hij niet voldoende informatie kan krijgen om zijn toestemming te geven.
En op welke gronden zou het vaccin in de eerste plaats legaal kunnen zijn? Als geïnformeerde toestemming de wet is, dan zou het onthouden van de mogelijkheid daartoe door het verzwijgen van een ingrediënt van het vaccin, het vaccin automatisch onwettig maken.
We hebben het niet over een kok in een delicatessenzaak die zegt dat hij een geheim mengsel van kruiden aan de borst toevoegt. Dit is een genetische injectie bedoeld voor de hele planeet.
Het niet kunnen bewijzen dat het virus bestaat
Nieuw Novavax vaccin en Covid repressie medicijnen goed nieuws voor mRNA vaccin weigeraars? – door Martin Vrijland
Oproep aan politieagenten, boa’s, militairen, dokters, verplegers: weiger!
“After a crafted “horse dewormer” smear campaigns on a 35yr old safe, effective, off-label drug, i.e. Ivermectin, media brazenly started to praise unproven pills for which Pfizer & Merck are pushing EUA following that of experimental vaccines.”
A daily pill to treat COVID could be just months away, scientists say
“In other news, Pfizer is testing Ivermectin, now renamed PF-07321332, to help with Covid. They have done this so they can make this drug more expensive than Ivermectin, despite the fact, they are the same drug…..
“The mid-to-late-stage study will test Pfizer’s drug, PF-07321332, in up to 2,660 healthy adult participants aged 18 and older who live in the same household as an individual with a confirmed symptomatic COVID-19 infection 2/4”
Het middel Ivermectine werkt dus tegen mensen die GRIEPACHTIGE symptomen hebben. Het krijgen van griepachtige symptomen kan worden verklaard vanuit de terreintheorie.
Videos: Israelis Rise Up Against Vaccine Passports After Being Told MORE Shots Needed To Be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’
It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’
Complot verifiëren: QR-code, gezichtsherkenning, CO2-budget, robotisering en ‘The Great Reset’
Credit cards with carbon limits and universal obedience
A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution
If you read my previous two COVID articles you will have seen that I began this journey in early 2020 as a vaccine hesitant person. As a result of my recent study of Virology and Immunology in an attempt to understand the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus, my previously held beliefs in the theories being peddled by official science and medicine has been completely upended.
I now understand that Louis Pasture fabricated his Germ Theory of Disease in the 1850’s stating that invisible microorganisms known as pathogens or “germs” lead to disease. Pastures ideas on Viruses were concocted upon similar theories going back to Ancient Greece and Rome, more like a developing religion or cult rather than real scientific discovery.
I now believe that the theory developed by Antoine Bechamp (Pasteur bitter rival) Terrain Theory which states that microorganisms (germs) feed upon the poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion, much more similar to the natural immune response which we know to be true. However, Terrain Theory has been actively blocked due to a bias for the Germ Theory by Big Pharma due to its immense profitability.
The practice of Variolation dated back to the 16th century in China and is the precursor of the first Vaccine invented for smallpox in 1796 by English physician Edward Jenner. I have discovered that the widespread use of vaccines has killed far more people than they have saved.
A bookkeeper, John D. Rockefeller who made his fortune in the oil business was the first philanthropist and his foundations pioneered developments in medical research. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research founded in 1901, was in the forefront of research in virology and principal investigator Louis O. Kunkel had researched the biology and pathology of the mosaic virus diseases. Beginning in 1930, the Rockefeller Foundation provided financial support to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, which later inspired and conducted eugenics experiments in the Third Reich. The Rockefeller empire in tandem with Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase), owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States today. No alternative approach to the Germ Theory in virology, immunology or medicine including the increasing use of vaccines, has been possible due to the indoctrination of the sciences by the most powerful and wealthy industry in the world. Banking and Big Pharma who now control Mainstream Media and all medical and scientific institutions.
Please do your own research, quickly, use your critical thinking and let us unite to stop this madness. I believe the Marburg-RiVax final solution could be deployed suddenly while we are relaxing after the worst of COVID and distracted by the now daily revelations on Mainstream Media regarding the Government fraud and public health mismanagement which created the COVID emergency.
Not only could haemorrhagic fever symptoms be caused by the currently deployed COVID gene therapy injections but health departments are frantically pushing the HPV vaccine for girls and boys, this vaccine and even the MMR vaccine could be deliberately contaminated with nanoparticles of Graphene Oxide or other adjuncts which cause clots and bleeds, the haemorrhagic fever symptoms of Marburg.”
Schwab Wants a Digital Citizenship to Use the Internet
The Bright Future
“We have a group of geriatric people 80+ attempting to seize the world and rush this Fourth Industrial Revolution, probably in hopes of rapidly advancing medicine to avoid death. The good news is this entire effort to redesign the world and construct a future where they remain immortal and on top will fail. Yes, things will get tough, and yes, we have to take a stand. The good news is that what they are proposing is totally against human nature, and they are clueless as to what even makes an economy function.
Comments on the Future
REPLY #3: Their objective to rule the world is absurd, the dreams and fantasies of academics. They will not come into play. Their window for this takeover of the world closes by the end of 2022. We have Panic Cycles in politics around the world in 2022-2023. This has never before shown up on our model since the 1930s. There was a previous period of the Revolutions of 1917–1923, which was marked by revolutions in Russia and Germany. The larger German Revolution ended the monarchy in Germany but led to similar revolutions such as theBavarian Soviet Republic, the Hungarian Revolution, and the Biennio Rosso revolution in Italy. There were many other smaller uprisings, protests, and strikes resulting from economic losses from World War I in Europe. Before that, the Panic Cycles appeared in 1844-1849, which marked the first Communist Revolution of 1848 in Europe.
The world is NOT ready to surrender all its rights. When the people begin to wake up and understand that COVID passports are PERMANENT, then you will see the contagion of a broader uprising. This is why the EU is now pushing for an EU army where it will send in Italians to crush Germans, etc. They will use the natural division among Europeans against them to retain power. Censorship and cancel culture are the same as the Nazi book burnings. Anything that speaks against the propaganda of the state must be canceled.
Pope Francis is now denying access to the Vatican without a COVID passport. What happened to the teachings of Christ and defending the condemned? Let he without sin cast the first stone, right?
They are already putting out plans for a COVID response and the pandemic into 2025-2028. Hello, it is time to wake up and smell the coffee, because they may outlaw that as well.”
The Fourth Industrial Revolution & Forecasting
“QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the WEC last year for the first time. Everything you laid out came true. You were saying the Euro would peak by February and we were looking at a dark period into September to October. What I am amazed at is that your computer gets the timing correct and you would think that every newspaper would have you on their front page. You have the best track record of anyone. Why does not one of the major financial press from Bloomberg, WSJ, London FT, etc, ask how you do it? With Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and AI, you have solved the problems but they are silent. Why?
ANSWER: I believe that Schwab & crew are not interested in AI when it is forecasting that they will lose. If you used Socrates to manage the world economy, it would NOT be advising on manipulating everything. Instead, it would reveal how everything works. That threatens the academic economic establishment, for they believe that their role is to control the economy as did Marx and Keynes, not observe it like Smith and Ricardo. Then all the analysts they put on TV all the time offer their “opinion,” whereas I am providing the computer forecast. People try to argue I am wrong, opinion v opinion, but I say when it is just my opinion, and the forecasts are the computer.
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Roadmap for easing COVID-19 restrictions
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“Wanna know why Gladys Berejiklian has resigned as NSW premier, #Australia?
Probably something to do with what billionaire Clive Palmer disclosed about the $10s of millions she was getting from big pharma…”
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“Viruses can’t be isolated, but isolation is unnecessary”; another ridiculous claim from those who insist on saying SARS-CoV-2 exists
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Australia Building Quarantine Camps For “Ongoing Operations”
Facility being built to house those “who have not had access to vaccination.”