Grand Solar Minimum Incoming
Solar Cycle 25 may be spluttering into life, but all is once-again quiet on the earth-facing solar disc: there are no sunspots — in fact, there haven’t been any for the past 6 days (as of Aug 27, 2020).
Solar activity is the driving force of Earth’s climate. This definition of obvious is only disputed by the misinformed, and by those with a financial or political motive.
High solar activity — as we’ve enjoyed for the past 100-or-so years — has delivered our planet a stable, predictable climate under-which we modern humans have had the opportunity to thrive and successfully advance our technological society.
However, and as with all good things, these predictable days are ending: the Sun’s output is waning to levels not seen for the past 200 years, to a reduction in activity not experienced since the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830). And as with every great and advancing civilization of the past, a time comes when the consequences of a solar shutdown need to be contended. We need to prepare for the wild swings-between-extremes brought about by an increasingly weak & wavy (meridional) jet stream, we need to be aware of a powerful volcanic uptick witnessed during times of low solar activity, as well as cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and, perhaps most crucially, an overall cooling of the planet.
Crops are always the first to go. And our modern delicately-balanced, chemical-dependent, monocropping-ways simply aren’t prepared for a violent shift in the climate — as Robert Felix has long been warning, “I fear that we will be fighting in the streets for food long before we’re covered by ice.”
Today comes the news that the UK has just suffered its worst wheat harvest of the past 40 years, prompting fears of higher prices of flour, and subsequently of bread and other flour-based products.
This season’s growing conditions have been typical of the swings-between-extremes we would expect to see during a Grand Solar Minimum. Britain’s farmers have just struggled through the wettest autumn since 2000, in which only 60% of what could be planted actually went in the ground, then came the wettest February on record, followed by the sunniest Spring and driest May on record, and then, for good measure, came the coldest July since 1988.
“[God has] fried my crops, frozen them, drowned them and then drowned them again,” lamented Jeremy Clarkson regarding the inclement weather conditions at his farm in west Oxfordshire.
And while the agenda of the day puts the blame for these swings firmly at the feet of Man and his inconsequential CO2-excretions, only an imbecile can hold onto this theory after any modicum of digging. And while I accept that not everybody is convinced the period we’re headed into will be akin to the Maunder Minimum, the weather extremes and overall cooling of the planet are most-certainly linked to the reduced output of the Sun.
Summer, 2020 across Europe has been a short one.
As mentioned above, July this year was the UK’s coldest since 1988, and while the weather-dial swung to bursts of heat in early-August, this warmth was all-too brief and now, according to the latest forecasts, autumn is arriving across western Europe before the month of August is even through: a violent kink in the jet stream is about to divert Arctic air anomalously-far south:

According to the Met Office, this front has the possibility of delivering rare summer frosts. And while a warm-up (back to average temperatures) is expected during the latter half of next week, another blast of polar cold looks set to take charge as September progresses (still in the unreliable time-frame but worth keeping an eye on):

Eyeing elsewhere around the world, much of North America is abouto suffer well-below average temperatures, and even some mountain snow:

While something potentially historic is on the cards beginning Sept 6:

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